What is TypeWell?
TypeWell is a live captioning service designed to convey the speaker’s entire message in a way that is complete yet easy-to-read.
TypeWell transcribers are specially trained to distill the speaker’s message to the reader while focusing on readability. This is done in a meaning-for-meaning fashion, which excludes excess filler words/false starts and rewords meandering speakers. This makes for live captions that are easy to comprehend without compromising on content. When captioning for articulate speakers, the captions and transcript would appear to be verbatim.
Once the class, meeting, or event has ended, the transcript is uploaded to a private Google Drive folder so that the user may access the file as needed.
Who benefits from TypeWell?
TypeWell is typically utilized by the D/deaf and hard of hearing. However, others who benefit from the service are individuals with learning disabilities, ESL speakers, those with a traumatic brain injury, or anyone else who benefits from a speech-to-text accommodation.
We customize the service to ensure each user’s unique preferences are met. For example, the user can request academic-content only or ask that all conversations be included.
K-12 students
TypeWell is recommended for students with at least a 4th-grade reading level. Scheduling is flexible to accommodate the variations and intricacies of bell schedules. We can provide services for a full class schedule or specific classes as needed.
College students
TypeWell is a suitable accommodation for any student requiring classroom captioning or speech-to-text services. We have experienced transcribers ready to handle everything from basic English courses up to specialized courses such as advanced math or medical.
Business users
Beyond the classroom, we also provide accessibility to professionals in work settings. This includes training sessions, conference calls, webinars, events, and other meetings.